Friday, July 25, 2008

A Poem from Sudan

The following poem was presented by the students of NESEI's school, and was read at the reception of new students from Bahr al Ghazal, who arrived on July 8. The poem discusses a new era for women in Sudan. Right now, GOSS (The Gov't of South Sudan) has in its constitution that women must represent 25% of the Gov't. The students of NESEI's school of South Sudan are demanding equal representation: 50%. 

It's interesting to note, that in the U.S., only 17% of those serving in the U.S. House of Representatives are women, and just 16% of those serving in the Senate are women. Our young students in South Sudan are demanding a level of equality in their country that women in the U.S. have not yet demanded. We are very proud of our young students for their forward thinking goals for themselves and their country. Please enjoy this poem, presented by elected Head Student Neema Nyoka.

Voices of NESEI Girls

Those days are gone!
We will fight for our rights
Equality is our new oxygen

25% in GOSS is just a resting point
The destination is 50% women representation
Soon, new crops of leaders like the late Dr. John Garang and Joseph Lao will be women
We have accepted leadership

Our room is no longer a kitchen but offices
We have discarded early marriage
We are no longer conditioned parasites
Education is our new farming tool and hunting weapon
We are glued to education

We have accepted
It is clear now
We have seen the road
The message is getting to our hearts

We are grateful to NESEI and Winrock
Your efforts are saluted
We are getting the tune
Don't give up on us
We have accepted education.

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